Selasa, 20 Januari 2009


**what did you do to make your dream[s] comes true?
^^ I did never do something to make my dreams comes true. I want to tell you these stories. I have a best friend, she likes make a story and I like make a comic. Someday we make our own first comic, the story is about our activity in the class, and we make another new character to make it more interested. I’d tell you about Mr.Billie de Coupet, one of my characters comic, he’s our sport teacher with mustache and furious-face. a few days later, our school has a new teacher, Pak Dasril, he teaching sport for the student, I was shock when I know that teacher was looks a lot like Mr.Billie, my comic character!!! Another story in my comic is about Tita Courtesz [the true character is my friend Maya] who felt in love with a new guy in the class, Andrew. I draw Andrew as a bald-head-guy. Funny. A week later, I got a new guy from Gontor in my class, his name is Udin, with black skin and bald head. The thing that shocked me is when my friend Maya told me that she loves Udin. Wow, two miracles I made from my own first comic!!!

**what did you do if your teacher[s] punished you?
^^ I will do the punish well… hahaha. But, as you know, I never have to be punished with my teacher. Although I’m a bad girl, not doing my homework well, cheat on exam, and more bla bla bla. For the example, my very-bad-tempered teacher has given a work to do for us, tomorrow the work must be collect. In the day, my friends looks so afraid ‘cause they can’t do that work as well. And me? I did nothing, I didn’t do my work at all. I said, “Be calm, I think the teacher will not enter to school today”. I just don’t know where I get that think, my friends still didn’t believed me, no one believed me actually. And only myself who didn’t do that work, in the first time I felt so afraid and regretted it. But, God give me a miracle today, the teacher is not entering to school as what did I said to my friend. How lucky I am!!! I always get miracles like that till now. Hehehe…

**have you ever thought that you can see the future?
^^ no… but I think I have an instinct about the closest people with me will be died. I always dreams about my teeth is broken off if some one will be died. I dreamed it when my grandpa, aunty, neighbors, and my friend’s parent gonna die. First time I knew that, I was scared and always tell my mom when it did, but now I have to be accustomed.

**do you ever think that you were a lucky boy/girl in this world?
^^ not really… but sometimes I do ever think that I’m a lucky girl. I have much of lucks in one day when I was in Junior High School, those are: my rank [I have a very good mark in the class, first rank], after that I passed the try out with good score [I got 8 for each subject], get my first cell phone from my dad, and new bed in my bedroom!!! And when I was in Senior High School, I have a best week in the school. First, I got first rank in my class [again], then I have highest I.Q in my school [I still can’t believed that], and I’m a candidate who can study in acceleration class [it means I can pass my school with only 2 years]. So, what do you think? Am I that lucky?

**have you ever cried in front of your friend[s] or your family member?
^^ I have. I have cry in front of my friends when my school held a Qiyamul Lail. And cry over in front of my family member when I got stomachache [menstruation]. That’s so painful.

**how is you relationship with your gf/bf?
^^ Max is insane already, just like me! We’re a peculiar couple ever. When we’ll go home from mall, Max will take the motorcycle in the parking area. He said, “where’s the key?” then I said, “pardon?”. While he takes the motorcycle out, there’s a man looking at him weirdly. He said again, “where’s the key?” before I answered it, the man was said, “Sorry dude, but this one is mine.” And then Max looking at the motorcycle, he just realizes that he takes a wrong motorcycle! Hahaha funny! “ow sorry, I didn’t realized it. Here you are!” Max says with a strange-smile. “It’s ok man, thanks” the man says.
After that, Max was angry with me, “why don’t you tell me that was the wrong motorcycle? I really ashamed!”. And I said, “Sorry I also didn’t realized it, but that was funny! Hahahaha”

**do you always say who the way you are to your new friend[s] or people?
^^ no… I definitely am shy. I’m not really told people who I am. I also not really tell my friend if something is bothering me. But actually I’m not a quiet girl too, I’m a riot. Hehehe. I just like doing what I like, but I don’t know why my friend sometimes following my style. But they do not following me to be like Linkin Park. I try to influence them with Linkin Park music, promote it, and also talk about it more and more. But it doesn’t work!!!

**what is your full name? do you like your name?
^^ my full name is, Cesc Van Mike Meidrosa [meida-pedrosa] Felton Ricardo Pereira Shinoda Bourdon Thieriot Pato Archuleta Lavigne. Yes, I like my name!!!

**when is your birthday? What the best gift you’ve got ever?
^^ my birthday is the same day with HARDIKNAS in Indonesia, it means Hari Pendidikan Nasional. I always get a best gift ever everyday from God, saya bersyukur atas apa yang telah Dia berikan kepada saya dan keluarga saya. Alhamdulillah.
Btw, I’m not that religious… :)

CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD [hoooo my!!!! Olimpiade kimia]

CHEMISTRY OLYMPIAD [hoooo my!!!! Olimpiade kimia]

Wuiiiiiiiii… kelas XI IPA aksel nih!!! Hari pertama nih di kelas XI. Belum tau juga hari ini jadwal pelajarannya apaan… some of my friends ada yang lagi baca-baca buku, ada yang lagi berbincang ama guru, dan ada yang jajan di kantin bagi anak yang kurang normal [maksudnya gue]. Sumpeh deh, belajar itu bukan kawan, teman, atau kenalan gue, tapi gue pun gak tau kenapa bisa ada di kelas aksel ini. Sungguh luar biasa!!!

Abis dari kantin, eh ketemu ama Pak Kimia. Entah kenapa sewaktu kelas X gue jadi anak kesayangannya dia tuh. Awalnya gue akting-akting gak jelas gitu, pura-pura gak liat Pak Kimia itu, maksudnya biar gak menyapa tuh guru [sungguh murid kurang ajar!]. eh tiba-tiba malah tuh guru yang nyapa gue…

Si Pak Guru : Meida, nanti kamu ikutan olimpiade kimia di Bala Raja ya!

Saya/gue/aku: hah????? Gak deh pak! Makasih…
*shock, tiba-tiba dia nyuruh gue ikutan olimp. Kayak gak ada anak pinter yang laen aja*

Si Pak Guru : gak gak, kamu harus ikut Meida. Saya kekurangan peserta di olimpiade kimia.

Saya/gue/aku: yang laen aja deh pak! Sini sini pak, tuh kayaknya si telda ama edo pengen banget ikutan pak. Karena saya orang baik, saya mempersilakan tuh dua orang aja deh pak yang ikutan…
*belagak pinter, belagak baik*

Si Pak Guru : oooh, gak usah khawatir, mereka masing-masing udah saya ikutsertakan olimpiade matematika dan fisika.

Saya/gue/aku: wah bagus pak, bagus! Saya ke kelas dulu ya pak!
*udah pengen kabur…*

Si Pak Guru : ehh… nanti dulu!

Saya/gue/aku: aduh pak… saya nyerah deh pak di kimia! Saya gak bisa! Gak bisa pak!
*sampe pengen sujud, guling-guling sambil nangis, memohon belas kasihan*

Si Pak Guru : jangan bilang gak bisa. Pasti bisa. Saya kan udah tau kamu. Waktu kelas X nilai kimia kamu b***s kok, malah waktu itu saya suruh kamu yang ng***r di kelas kan. Inget gak?
*maaf di sensor, tidak baik di konsumsi publik.*

Saya/gue/aku: yahhh itu kan kelas attuu pak! Emang olimpiadenya tentang pelajaran kelas satu?
*pasrah dah gue*

Si Pak Guru : justru itu kelas satu, nah kelas dua sekarang pasti udah ada peningkatan dong… olimpiadenya mengenai materi kelas dua. Nanti saya kasih kisi-kisinya, kamu tinggal pelajari aja.

Saya/gue/aku: iya deh pak Insya Allah… olimpiadenya kapan pak?
*pasrah banget dah, apa kata temen-temen gue nanti!!! Pasti mereka semua pada ngakak sambil gulin-gulingan deh*

Si Pak Guru : umm… lusa. Pokoknya kamu harus siap ya.

Saya/gue/aku: astaghfirullah hal adzim!!! Baru aja naek kelas pak, ini hari pertama masuk, belon dapet materi satupun dari guru kimia. Gurunya aja saya belon tau bentuknya pak! Eh lusa malah mau ikut olimp!!!

Si Pak Guru : gak apa-apa lah, buat pengalaman… yaudah nanti pulang sekolah kamu ke ruang saya ya.

Saya/gue/aku: i… iya… iya deh pak! Sip dah!
*iya PENGALAMAN!!! Pengalaman burukkkk!!!!*

Aduh aduh aduh… bancet bener dah hari ini…
Sampe di kelas, gue bete banget. Sampe-sampe dengerin lagunya Linkin Park aja udah kagak napsu lagi… huhuhu…

Bug : Mam roll!!!
Gue : apa?
Do : bete banget lu kayaknya mam…
Gue : yoyoy, gue ketemu Pak Bangun!
Geb : oh yang tadi? Emang dia ngomong apa ke elu mei?
Gue : disuruh ikutan olimp kimia!!!
Semua: bwahahahahahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaa…..
Gue : ketawa lagi lo! Sialan…
Do : gak pa-pa mam, gue juga ikut olimp fisika. Biar gue ada temen.
Gue : iyeh gue tau, ama telda juga kan? Dia Matematika ya?
Do : iya.
Bug : kok lo bisa sih di suruh ikut begituan?
Gue : katanya nilai kimia kelas satu gue b***s, makanya kemungkinan nilai kimia di kelas dua ada peningkatan.
Geb : jiah… itu logika buat orang normal! Kalo buat orang kagak normal kayak elo mah, makin lama nilai pelajarannya menurun!!! Hahahaha…
Gue : ahh sialan lu geb! Tapi emang bener sih… hehehe
Bug : yaudah gak pa-pa. gue yakin lo pasti dapet makan gratis kok di sana!
Gue : o iya! Nah ntu dia yang gue pengen… hahaha
Do : ah elu pada mah emang gak beres!
Geb : jiah… kayak lu paling beres aja do!!!

Nyampe di rumah, gue mulai buka-buka materi yang di kasih guru kimia gue. Pas gue buka, HAH? APAAN NIH?! Buset dah… bener-bener tuh guru mau nyiksa gue.

Gue : mah, ade ikutan olimp kimia dong!
*ngerasa bangga, yakin bisa, padahal malah tambah gila*

Nyokap : ooh ya bagus lah. Dimana?

Gue : di Balaraja. Malah lusa lagi berangkatnya, padahal ade belon belajar sama sekali.

Nyokap : gak pa-pa. buat pengalaman aja.

Gue : ya udah, ade mau baca-baca lagi nih.
*masuk kamar, di kira belajar, padahal tidur-tiduran. Baca komik, online msn, chattingan, maen computer*

As u know lah, gue bukan tipe-tipe orang yang doyan belajar walaupun kepepet. Entah mau ulangan harian, ulangan semesteran, ulangan kenaikan kelas, try out-try out, sampe UAN pas SMP pun gue sama sekali gak belajar. How lucky I am! I love my life! [cailah].

Senin, 05 Januari 2009


Before the bells ringing…

Me : kita gugur di aksel ibarat gak naik kelas yak.
Bug : iya
Me : seandainya kita gak naik lagi , gimana?
Bug : kelas XI lagi dong!! Enak tau gak cepet tua… hahahaha
Geb : hahaha iya bener banget!
Me : serius?
Geb : iya lah… enjoy aja kali.
Me : hahaha , orang normal mah pasti bakal mikir dua kali kalo gak naik kelas untuk yang kedua kalinya.
Bug : yaelah Mei , kita kan gak normal!!!
Geb : tau luh Mei .
Me : o iya ya… kita kan autis-idiot! Hahahaha…

Pernahkah kalian berpikir seperti itu?


It’s Monday!!! Inget papan tulis!!!

Terlanjur ketawan guru .

Guru : waduh , ada apa ini? Kalian merasa tertekan masuk kelas aksel?
Bim : iya bu, rambut saya ubanan .
Guru : weleh … kalo bima mah ibu gak heran .
Geb : aduh bu saya udah gak kuat lagi .
Guru : kalian apa bener2 mau aksel di bubarkan?
We : iya bu …

Next day, berita tentang “tragedi-papan-tulis” pun mem-booming di kalangan guru2 . rapat demi rapat dilaksanakan . wawancara murid pun di lakukan .

Keputusan kepsek, “barangsiapa yang nilai akhir semester kelas XI Akselerasi nya di atas KKM, yaitu 80, berhak melanjutkan pelajaran di aksel. Jika tidak , Ibu harap kalian berbesar hati untuk gugur dan belajar bersama teman-teman kalian di kelas reguler.”

Kandidat yang berhasil hanya 3 orang , they are Alfredo , Mathilda , and Putri .
Wish ‘em luck with UAN this year [2009]!!!!


Istirahat kedua, jam 12 lewat sedikit. Dzuhur time. Me, Nggun, Tel, Tre, & Tris, at class.

Tel [murid teladan, terpintar, terjenius di sekolah] , nulis2 di papan tulis :

Bosen idup
Bete bete bete

Tre : coba tel , gue dong.

Singkat cerita , mereka mulai memenuhi papan tulis dengan tulisan2 gitu . gue yang dari tadi dengerin lagu LP di hape, gak sadar kalo temen2 paling normal gue di kelas mulai gokil .

Bim : weits… mantap amat nih papan tulis

Yoyoy deh, setelah anak2 pada kumpul di kelas , mulai deh mengeluarkan uneg2 .

Bubarkan AXEL!
Saya ingin jadi anak Social.
Otak kami bukan otak robot!!!
Kepala kami BOTAK!!!
Rambut kami UBANAN!!!
Bubarkan AXEL , dirikan IPA.4!!!

Semua tulisan itu ada di papan tulis dan gak di apus selama 2 hari , mulai sabtu-senin .



Break tine [9.45] , me and my bestfriend looking LP pictures on magazine.

Ani [my bestfriend]: STOP!!!
Me : what?
Ani : take a look at this! See ur papa?
Me : he-eh?
Ani : then, look at Byan!
Me : ya? What’s the matter?
Ani : Byan is looks like ur papa, Mike!!!
Me : no!!! hahaha u’re kidding me.
Ani : I’m serious. See brightly…
Me : ummm… hard to say it, but yea.. but a lil bit laa!!!
Byan : what do u looking at?
Me : nothing laah, jangan ge-er.
Ani : ok, listen to me. I dreamed Mike was our classmate. He’s so cute with his red hair.
Me : really?? He’s so adorable!!
Ani : I think it’s a sign…
Me : sign?
Ani : yea, I mean, Mike in my dream is Byan! Byan is our classmate, and he’s so looks like Mike. Do u realize that?
Me : probably… u’re right.
Ani : one thing u should know, Mike in my dream was likes u!!! was it mean Byan likes u too?
Me : noo… kalau yang itu, u’re wrong!


Break time [9.57] , in school , when I was in 8th grade …

Uki : Mei…!!!

Me : ya?

Uki : do u ever think if Byan is ur boyfriend?

Me : [shocked, but still stayed cool] mmm? He is! He’s a boy and also my friend. He is my boy-friend.

Uki : no. not like that! I mean, a couple…

Me : hell ya’…

Uki : he ever said , “Meida is cute , she’s very nice person. I like her personality.”

Me : ahaha… funny. I’m not like that, u lie laa uki.

Uki : Seriously! U can ask Rama.

Me : no way.

Uki : way!

Ooo… I know, or with Ahmad? He’s so interesting too.

Me : Ahmad? He don’t know me.

Uki : who said? He ever asked me about us.

Me : what u mean?

Uki : he asked , “hey Uki, is Meida ur gf?” I said , “no, we’re bestfriend. Just a friend.”

Me : why he asked it?

Uki : because he want to be ur bf. He said , “what do u think if we’re a couple?” and I said, “good idea!!!!” hahaha…

Me : damn!!!! That’s not funny.

Uki : so… Byan or Ahmad?

Me : don’t ask me!!! I don’t care with their both.

Argh.. don’t know what to do. Setelah tu, my classmate mulai ngeledekin!!! Damn Uki laahhhh… Byan is my classmate, but he’s okay with that news. Don’t know what he think laah! Weird…